Guidelines for Endorsers | #IwiWhānau

Guidelines for Endorsers | #HUDL.Whānau


As a company that hopes to build real relationships with our customers through social media, we want to ensure that our customers have a clear understanding about where the messages they see originated. This policy is intended to clarify how such endorsements should be disclosed. 

We, as the brand, are responsible for ensuring that an endorsement or testimonial meets the regulations as well as the platform terms of this policy. We also take responsibility for ensuring that those who act as endorsers or testimonials are aware of this policy and comply with it. 

If you are an Iwi Athletica endorser, you must disclose that connection in your social media posts. For example, if you have been invited to an event, received free product, or paid work for us in any capacity, that relationship must be disclosed. Endorsers include people and entities engaged by Iwi directly as well as through third parties (e.g., blogger affiliate networks). 

There’s no limit to how you disclose the collaboration with Iwi Athletica, but it should be clear and easy to understand for your reader and comply with the ASA Influencers AdHelp Information. For example, you might say "HUDL Athletica gave me X to try" or "I work for HUDL Athletica" in your post caption, or you might include a hashtag such as #ad, #paid, or #sponsored.   

Any third parties you engage to endorse HUDL Athletica (e.g., advertising agencies and blogger networks), should understand their responsibilities and agree to these Guidelines for Endorsers before the engagement begins. Monitor the endorsements made by third parties you engage to be sure they appropriately inform our customers of connections to HUDL Athletica. 

We hope you will share your honest beliefs and experiences with us, so that we may learn from them, and we look forward to hearing from you. 

Thank you for becoming a #HUDL.Whānau!